Search Results
Forged in Fire: FATALITY! Elephant Tusk Sword MAULS the Final Round (Season 8) | History
Forged in Fire: Springfield Bayonet SPEARS the Final Round (Season 8) | History
Forged in Fire: Mesopotamian Sickle Sword SLAYS in the Final Round! (Season 8)
Forged in Fire: Machete of the Amazons SEVERS & SPLITS the Final Round (Season 8) | History
Forged in Fire: Russian Spetsnaz BASHES & BURIES the Final Round (Season 8) | History
The Boar Sword BRUTALLY MAULS the Final Round (Season 6) | Forged in Fire | History
Forged in Fire: Deadly Vajra-Mushti CARVES UP the Final Round (Season 8) | History
DOUBLE Elephant Fighting Swords, DOUBLE THE HEAT | Forged in Fire (Season 9)
Forged in Fire: The Headhunter’s RAGING Revenge in the Final Round (Season 8) | History
Forged in Fire: DEADLY DUO Ginunting Swords Create TROUBLE in the Final Round (Season 8) | History
Forged in Fire: Finalists FIGHT ON in the Second Chance Tournament (Part 3) (Season 8) | History
Forged in Fire: Judges' EPIC Home Forge Battle (Season 8) | History